and a Persian by the name of Bagoas (Bagoses, Bagohi, Bigvai) was appointed governor of Judea at least by 407 B.C. According to the Elephantine papyri Johanan was high priest in 410 B.C.

have been scanty, but extra-Biblical evidence is gradually coming to light. Nehemiah and After.-Historical records of the Jews during the 5th century B.C. The Jews Under the Persians During the 4th Century More detailed consideration is given to developments growing out of attempts by Antiochus Epiphanes to Hellenize the Jews, to the extension of Roman power throughout the Mediterranean world, and to the political situation in Palestine under the Hasmonaeans and under the Herod the Great. This article summarizes briefly the experiences of the Jews under the waning power of Persia and during the protracted struggle for control of the Palestine between the Seleucids to the north and the Ptolemies to the south.

An understanding of the vicissitudes through which the Jews passed during this time, with special emphasis on their history under the later Seleucid rulers and during the years that witnessed the rise of Roman power in the Mediterranean, is necessary to a proper appreciation of the New Testament, particularly the Gospels. Between the close of the Old Testament and the beginning of the narrative of the New Testament stretches a period of approximately four centuries.